
Farabi HSSSQ Policy

  • We are committed to take appropriate actions to eliminate hazards, reduce risks, prevent work injuries and ill health to ensure the provision of safe and healthy workplace environment for all company employees and contractors at the sites.
  • We are committed to Responsible Care guiding principles and shall comply with the legal requirements as well as applicable codes and standards.
  • We are committed to promote and follow good sustainability practices by conserving natural resources, reducing wastes, preventing air pollution, water and land contamination and ensure that waste is being reduced recycled, or disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
  • We shall ensure continual performance improvement in the fields of Environment, Health, Safety, Security and Total Quality through regular reviews, evaluation and enhancement of our employee’s competencies and knowledge.
  • We are committed to having consultations, participation of our employees, and site contractors through their representatives in everything related to Occupational Health and Safety.
  • In line with this policy, all our employees, contractors and visitors, are expected to act responsibly to meet the company’s goals with high priority in the areas of Environment, Health, Safety, Security, Sustainability and Total Quality.