
Steering Committee (SSC)

To effectively implement our environmental and social programs, we recognize the importance of engaging all stakeholders, including our employees. Our primary goal is to empower every member of the FPC team to integrate sustainability thinking into their daily routines and work practices. Additionally, we are committed to collaborating with stakeholders transparently, allowing them the freedom to innovate responsibly.

Our senior management team plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of our sustainability initiatives. They are actively dedicated to improving sustainability strategies and enhancing the overall performance of our company. Their oversight and stewardship are focused on increasing the long-term value of the company for shareholders and the vitality of the company for all other stakeholders.

To spearhead our sustainability efforts, we have established a dedicated Sustainability Committee in 2013. This committee comprises members representing various functions within our organization's value chain. The Sustainability Committee is led by the Sustainability Chairman, whose role is to systematically drive both internal and external sustainability improvement strategies and subsequent initiatives, aligning with our FIMS process PL.03.01 (Sustainable Development). Our multidisciplinary team, consisting of experts from diverse backgrounds, serves as a valuable resource to support and promote our company's commitments in accordance with our policies and strategies for sustainable development.

The Roles And Responsibilities

The Charter is the foundational document that outlines the objectives, scope, and responsibilities of the Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC). The SSC's main role is to facilitate collaboration between the Financial Planning Committee (FPC) and the Management Committee to make key sustainability decisions. Additionally, the SSC is crucial for developing long-term sustainability strategies and optimizing sustainability efforts within the organization. The Committee's obligations encompass:

  • Develop and recommend to the Management Committee about sustainability strategy (including a sustainability management framework and policy), long-term plans & targets.
  • Define Sustainability Metrics.
  • Nurture Initiatives and steer implementation.
  • Review and adopt GRI framework for reporting.
  • Review and ensure timely CDP Reporting.
  • Promote Environmental Care aspects.
  • Ensure prompt compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Review and report progress against the sustainability strategy, targets and plans.
  • Farabi’s Public Sustainability Reporting and disclosure.Sustainability improvements, opportunities and initiatives.Sustainability Roadmap and Improvement Action Plans.
  • Engagement of stakeholders
  • Conduct Awareness Programs on Sustainability




Administrative Matters

Hold at least Six meetings annually for Steering Committee.

A calendar confirming the date, time, venue, and agenda.

The quorum consists of at least 4 committee members present in person.

The chairman of the committee may invite FPC employees or others to attend meetings of the committee as appropriate.

The committee, with the Company President approval, will have unlimited access to any employee to seek any information it considers necessary to carry out its duties.


The committee coordinator consistently presents the Sustainability Performances during the monthly meeting of the Safety, Health, Environment, and Management Committee (SHEMC), adhering to the predetermined schedule of intervals.


On an annual basis, the committee will undertake a comprehensive evaluation of both its membership and mandate to ascertain their continued appropriateness and applicability in the current landscape. Drawing upon the expertise and guidance of the Sustainability Chairman, the committee is vested with the authority to put forward recommendations to the Management Committee pertaining to potential refinements in its composition, goals, and responsibilities.